Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jesus is Jehovah! (JiJ): Bibliography

This is the Bibliography of books and articles that I will probably refer to in my book outline, "Jesus is Jehovah!: In the New World Translation."

[Left: The late Anglican Bishop Edward Henry Bickersteth's, "The Trinity" (1860), See PS and `tagline' quotes all from this book.]

It saves time to post these Bibliography references in advance and later remove any that I didn't use, rather than add them piecemeal. I will hyperlink inline references (e.g. Bowman., 1989, p.108) back to the book or article on this Bibliography page.

© Stephen E. Jones



Bickersteth, E.H., 1860, "The Trinity: Scripture Testimony to the One Eternal Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," Kregel: Grand Rapids MI, Third Printing, 1965.
Bowman, R.M., Jr., 1989a, "The Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of John," Baker: Grand Rapids MI, Reprinted, 1995.
Bowman, R.M., 1989b, "Why You Should Believe in the Trinity: An Answer to Jehovah's Witnesses," Baker: Grand Rapids MI, Third printing, 1990.
Buswell, J.O., Jr., 1962, "A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion," Zondervan: Grand Rapids MI, Vol. I, Second printing, 1968.

Dabney, R.L., 1878, "Systematic Theology," [1871], Banner of Truth: Edinburgh, Second edition, Reprinted, 1985.

Geisler, N.L., 1999, "Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics," Baker Books: Grand Rapids MI.
Green, J.P., Sr., ed., 1986, "The Interlinear Bible: One Volume Edition," [1976], Hendrickson Publishers: Peabody MA., Second edition.
Green, J.P., Sr, 2005, "A Literal Translation of the Bible," Sovereign Grace Publishers: Lafayette IN.
Gruss, E.C., 1970, "Apostles of Denial: An Examination and Expose of the History Doctrines and Claims of the Jehovah's Witnesses," Presbyterian & Reformed: Phillipsburg NJ, Eleventh printing, 1986.

Hendriksen, W., 1964, "A Commentary on the Gospel of John: Two Volumes Complete and Unabridged in One,"
[1954], Banner of Truth: London, Third edition.
Hoekema, A.A., 1974, "Jehovah's Witnesses," [1963], Eerdmans: Grand Rapids MI.

Kruse, C.G., 2003, "The Gospel According to St. John: An Introduction and Commentary," The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, Inter-Varsity Press: Leicester UK.

Martin, W.R., 1957, "Jehovah's Witnesses," Bethany House: Minneapolis MN, Reprinted, 1969.
Martin, W.R., 1977, "The Kingdom of the Cults: An Analysis of the Major Cult Systems in the Present Christian Era," Bethany Fellowship: Minneapolis MN.
Martin, W.R. & Klann, N., 1953, "Jehovah of the Watchtower," Bethany House Publishers: Bloomington MN, Reprinted, 1981.
Metzger, B.M., 1953, "The Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus Christ," Reprint of article in Theology Today, April, pp.65-85, Princeton Theological Seminary: Princeton NJ.
Milne, B., 1982, "Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief," Inter-Varsity Press: Leicester UK, Fifth printing, 1988.

Nave, O.J., ed., 1897, "Nave's Topical Bible: A Digest of the Holy Scriptures," Moody Press: Chicago IL, Reprinted, 1969.

Reed, D.A., 1986, "Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse," Baker: Grand Rapids MI, Thirty-first printing, 2006.
Reed, D.A., ed., 1990, "Index of Watchtower Errors, 1879 to 1989," Compiled by Steve Huntoon and John Cornell, Baker: Grand Rapids MI.
Reed, D.A., 1993, "Jehovah's Witness Literature: A Critical Guide to Watchtower Publications," Baker: Grand Rapids MI
Reed, D.A., 1996, "Answering Jehovah's Witnesses: Subject by Subject," Baker: Grand Rapids MI.
Rhodes, R., 1993, "Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses," Harvest House: Eugene OR, Reprinted, 2006.

Schnell, W.J., 1959, "Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses?," Osterhus Pub. House: Minneapolis, MN.
Shedd, W.G.T., 1888, "Dogmatic Theology," Zondervan: Grand Rapids MI, Reprinted, 1969, Vol. I.
Stevens, S., 1994, "Unmasking the Watchtower: Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses?," Jubilee Resources: Wellington, New Zealand
Strong, A.H., 1907, "Systematic Theology," Judson Press: Valley Forge PA, Twenty-fifth printing, 1967.

Thiessen, H.C. & Doerksen, V.D., 1979, "Lectures in Systematic Theology," [1949], Eerdmans: Grand Rapids MI, Revised.
Torrey, R. A., 1957, "What the Bible Teaches: A Thorough and Comprehensive Study of What the Bible Has to Say Concerning the Great Doctrines of Which it Treats," Oliphants: London, Third impression, 1963.

Vincent, M.R., 1887, "Word Studies in the New Testament," Eerdmans: Grand Rapids MI, 4 Vols, Reprinted, 1969.

Warfield, B.B., 1976, "The Lord of Glory: A Study of the Designations of Our Lord in the New Testament with Especial Reference to His Deity, Baker: Grand Rapids MI.
WB&TS, 1952, "Let God Be True," [1946], Watchtower Bible & Tract Society: Brooklyn NY.
WB&TS, 1961, "New World translation of the Holy Scriptures," Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY, Third revision with footnotes.
WB&TS, 1965a, "Make Sure of All Things, Hold Fast to What Is Fine," Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY.
WB&TS, 1965b, "Things in Which it is Impossible for God to Lie," Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY.
WB&TS, 1968, "The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life," Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY.
WB&TS, 1969, "The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures," Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Brooklyn NY.
WB&TS, 1971a, "Aid to Bible Understanding," [1969], Watchtower Bible & Tract Society: Brooklyn NY, Second edition.
WB&TS, 1971b, "New World translation of the Holy Scriptures," [1961], Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY, Third revision with footnotes.
WB&TS, 1980, "Happiness-How to Find It," Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY.
WB&TS, 1984, "New World translation of the Holy Scriptures," [1961], Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY, Revised.
WB&TS, 1989a, "Reasoning from the Scriptures," [1985], Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY, Second edition.
WB&TS, 1989b, "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth," [1982], Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY, Second edition.
WB&TS, 2005, "What Does the Bible Really Teach?," Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY.

PS: In the following `tagline' quotes (My emphasis bold) from Bickersteth's "The Trinity" (1860), I have converted his versification from Roman numerals to decimals, put them in square brackets, and made other formatting changes, without changing the text. I had wanted to add these quotes to my CED blog post, "Jesus is Jehovah!" but they would have made it too long.

I bought Bickersteth's book in 1968, according to my signed and dated inscription in it, so it is probably from reading these very pages, and especially John's application of Isaiah seeing with his own "eyes ... Jehovah of hosts" (Isa 6:5) to Jesus (Jn 12:41) that I relied upon in that lunchtime Bible study with an older JW workmate, nearly 40 years ago (as mentioned in my introductory post to JiJ)!

Stephen E. Jones.
My other blogs: CreationEvolutionDesign & TheShroudofTurin

"It remains that we consider the explicit assertions that Jesus Christ is Jehovah and God. These assertions are neither few nor obscure. ... Now we find certain prophetic declarations in the Old Testament regarding Jehovah fulfilled, as ruled by the New Testament, in Christ Jesus. This is, perhaps, the most conclusive evidence that could be adduced-an inspired interpretation of an inspired text ... `The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of Jehovah, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.' [Isa 40:3] `This is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord.' [Mat 3:3] Now John Baptist's voice, without controversy, was heard in the wilderness, preparing the way for Christ. Therefore, Christ is Jehovah, our God." (Bickersteth, E.H., 1860, "The Trinity: Scripture Testimony to the One Eternal Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," Kregel: Grand Rapids MI, Third Printing, 1965, pp.71-72).

"`Sanctify Jehovah of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And he shall be for a sanctuary; but ... a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel.' [Isa 8:13-14]. `Unto you therefore which believe he (Christ) is precious; and a rock of offence, even to but for a stone of stumbling them which stumble at the word, being disobedient.' [1Pet 2:7-8]. The stone of stumbling, as Isaiah affirms, is `Jehovah of hosts himself,' but as Peter interprets it, (for he is referring to what is contained in the Scripture, ver. 6,) this stone is Christ. Therefore Christ is Jehovah of hosts himself." (Bickersteth, 1860, p.73).

"`And I (Jehovah, which stretcheth forth the heavens, etc., see ver. 1) will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced.' [Zec 12:10]. And again another Scripture saith, `They shall look on him (Christ) whom they pierced.' [Jn 19:37]. The prophet declares the one who is pierced is Jehovah speaking of himself, but according to John's inspired interpretation, Christ crucified is here predicted. Therefore Christ is `Jehovah which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.'" (Bickersteth, 1860, p.73).

"`Mine eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of hosts.' [Isa 6:5]. `These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory and spake of him.' [Jn 12:41]. The message recorded determines the occasion to be the same. Therefore Jesus Christ, of whom the inspired apostle is speaking, is Jehovah of hosts, before whom the seraphim veiled their faces in lowliest adoration." (Bickersteth, 1860, p.73).

"`I (Jehovah) have sworn by myself ... that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.' [Isa 45:23] `We shall all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.' [Rom 14:10-11]. Paul incontrovertibly establishes his assertion, that we shall stand at the judgment-seat of Christ, by this solemn oath of Jehovah, recorded by Isaiah. Therefore, Christ is Jehovah, who says, (ver. 21,) `There is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour: there is none beside me.' When we remember the solemn protest of Him who calls himself the jealous God-`I am Jehovah: that is my Name: and my glory will I not give to another:' [Isa 42:8] -and when we reflect on the awful judgments denounced on those who render to the creature the supreme worship due to the Creator, the above comparison of Scripture with Scripture, wherein the Holy Ghost interprets, explains, and applies his own language, presents the most irrefragable proof that Jesus Christ is the Eternal, Increate, Alone, Jehovah of hosts, the Highest, the Lord our God." (Bickersteth, 1860, pp.73-74).

"And here may be the most convenient place to introduce a few remarks on the witness we derive from the word `Lord.' No doubt it is often used by classical, and sometimes by the sacred writers, as a human appellation. But then the facts remain, that it is the word, equivalent to Adonai, which the Jews, through their reluctance to pronounce the awful name Jehovah, continually employed as its synonym; that it is the word by which Jehovah is uniformly translated by the Septuagint, even in Exodus 6:3; and further, that standing by itself in the New Testament, it designates in multiplied passages the Infinite Father. We must look; therefore, broadly to its general use by Christ and his apostles. And what is the result? The word Kurios occurs 737 times in the New Testament-of these, in 18 instances it is confessedly applied to man or men. In 54 instances it appears in the discourses and parables of Christ, where the master, described as Lord, represents or typifies the Father or himself: and in 665 cases, the vast remainder, it is applied indiscriminately to the Eternal Father or to the Son. ... Now in these eighteen instances (with scarcely an exception) there was not the remotest possibility of divine worship being intended to the person thus designated: indeed, in twelve of these cases, the word is in the plural. But what of those very numerous instances in which it is applied to Jesus Christ? Therein he is described as `Lord of all:' [Acts 10:36] as the Lord, even Jesus, he appeared to Saul in vision [Acts 9:17]: as the Lord, Paul besought him to remove his thorn in the flesh [2Cor 12:8-9]: he is declared to be the second man, the Lord from heaven [1Cor 15:47]: and as the Lord, the righteous Judge, he will give a crown of righteousness to all them that love his appearing [2Tim 4:8]. Now to one thus described as Lord, seeing that the name is applied to the Father and the Son indiscriminately, so that, in many places, the difficulty is very great of knowing whether the Eternal Father or the Lord Jesus Christ be intended, the risk of ascribing divine worship would be imminent indeed. The collation of two passages from the Old, with two passages from the New Testament, seems to clinch the argument: `Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God is one LORD' (Kurios ho Theos emon, Kurios eis esti - LXX) [Dt 6:4]. `There is one Lord' (eis Kurios) [Eph 4:5]. `And the LORD shall be king over all the earth. In that day shall there be one Lord, and his name One (Kurios eis kaito onoma autou en-LXX) [Zec 14:9]. `To us...... there is...... one Lord (eis Kurios) Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.' [1Cor 8:6]. Here the apostle uses the very words to which the Jews clung with such tenacity as establishing the fundamental truth of the Unity of God; and adopting the very words of the common version, the Septuagint, applies them to Jesus Christ. There appears, therefore, in this name of Christ, as used in the New Testament, explicit declaration that he is the Eternal Jehovah." (Bickersteth, 1860, pp.75-76. Emphasis & ellipses original).

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