Jesus is Jehovah in the New Testament: Index
1. INTRODUCTIONThis "Jesus is Jehovah in Matthew" is the first in my series, "Jesus is Jehovah in the New Testament," in which
[Right: Saint Matthew, Ebbo Gospels, 9th century, Municipal Library, Épernay, France: Wikipedia]
I will document every verse in each New Testament book which shows that the Lord Jesus Christ of the New Testament is Jehovah (Heb. Yahweh) of the Old Testament, come in the flesh. These verses are from my morning `quiet time' study and already posted on my web page Jesus is Jehovah!
This page has now been completed, so after adding some further quotes, I will start working on "Jesus is Jehovah in Mark" in parallel with posting my completed pages on 1 Thessalonians and other New Testament books in chronological order (see also my "Jesus is Jehovah in Galatians").
Also, as previously explained: "That the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in the New Testament as being Jehovah (Heb. Yahweh) of the Old Testament, does not preclude the other two Persons of the Holy Trinity (Mt 28:19; 2Cor 13:14; 1Pet 1:2): the Father (Dt 32:6; Isa 63:16; 64:8; Mal 1:6) and the Holy Spirit (Lk 4:18 = Isa 61:1; Acts 5:3-4,9; 2Cor 3:17), also being, as revealed in the New Testament, Jehovah: the one Triune God."
Unless otherwise indicated, Bible verse links will be the American Standard Version, because it translated the Heb. Yahweh as "Jehovah," rather than "LORD."
Jesus (Heb. Yeshua, "Yahweh is salvation"). Jesus' name (Heb. Yeshua, " Yahweh is salvation"), (France, 1985, p.78; Rhodes, 1992, p.178; WB&TS, 1989, p.209) was uniquely given to Him by God (Mt 1:20-21,25; Lk 1:30-32; 2:21). Yet salvation belongs to Jehovah (Ps 3:8).
God. Jesus is "God [Gk. ho Theos "the God"] with us" (Mt 1:22-23; Isa 7:14). Jesus is "the Mighty God" [Heb. 'el gibbowr] (Isa 9:6-7. Cf. Mt 4:13-16 = Isa 9:1-2). But Jehovah is the Mighty God [Heb. 'el gibbowr] (Isa 10:20-21; Jer 32:18).
Son of God. Jesus is "the Son of God" (Mt 4:3-4; 14:25-33; 16:15-17; 26:63-64; 27:38-43; 27:54), i.e. equal in nature to God the Father (Hoekema, 1972, pp.132-135). Or simply "the Son" (Mt 11:27; 21:38; 24:36). God the Father acknowledged Jesus as "my beloved Son" (Mt 3:16-17; 17:5; Ps 2:7. Cf. Mk 1:9-11; 9:2-7; Lk 3:21-22; 9:28-35; Jn 1:32-34). The demons recognised that Jesus was the Son of God (Mt 8:28-29; Mk 3:11; Lk 4:41; 8:27-28). Jesus claimed that as "the Son" only He truly knows the Father (Mt 11:27 = Lk 10:22; Jn 1:18). Jesus is the vineyard owner's "beloved son" in the Parable of the Tenants (Mt 21:33-41; Mk 12:1-9; Lk 20:9-16). He is the son of the king in the Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Mt 22:1-14).
Jesus made a distinction between His and the disciples' relationship with the Father: between "my Father" (Mt 7:21; 10:32-33; 11:27; 12:50; 16:17; 18:10,19; 20:23; 25:34; 26:39,42,53 and "your Father" (Mt 5:16,45; 6:1,8,15; 7:11; 10:20,29; 18:14; 23:9); between "my heavenly Father" (Mt 15:13; 18:35) and "your heavenly Father" (Mt 5:48; 6:14,26,32; Lk 11:13). Cf. John 20:17.
Son of Man. Jesus claimed to be the Son of Man (Mt 8:20; 11:19; 12:32,40; 16:1; 17:9,12,22; 20:18; 20:28; 26:2,24,45; Dn 7:13-14); who has has authority on earth to forgive sins (Mt 9:6; Mk 2:10; Lk 5:24). Who is "Lord of the Sabbath" (Mt 12:8; Lk 6:5). Who sows the good seed (Mt 13:37). Who is sitting at the right hand of God the Father (Mt 26:64; Mk 14:62), from where He is going to come again (Mt 24:27,37,39; 24:44), with power and great glory (Mt 24:30; 26:64), and with his angels (Mt 16:27; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:26); who He will send out to gather the wicked (Mt 13:41) and reward each person according to what he has done (Mt 16:27). Who will sit on his glorious throne in heavenly glory (Mt 19:28; 25:31). The Jewish religious leaders regarded Jesus' claim to be the Son of Man as "blasphemy" (Mt 26:65; Mk 14:64).
Second Person of Trinity. Jesus the Son is mentioned in the same verse(s) with the Father and Holy Spirit (Mt 3:16-17; 28:19. Cf. Mk 1:10-11; Lk 1:35; 3:21-22; Jn 1:32-34; 3:34-35; 2Cor 13:14; Gal 4:6; 1Pet 1:2). Jesus' disciples are to be baptised into the "name" (singular) "of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt 28:19).
Jehovah. I AM (Gk. ego eimi) Jesus is I AM. "It is I" [Gk. ego eimi, "I am" ] (Mt 14:27; Mk 6:50; Jn 6:20). Cf. Gk. ego eimi, "I am" (no "he") Jn 6:35,48, 6:51; 8:12,24,28,58; 9:5; 10:7,9,10-11,14; 11:25; 13:19; 14:6; 15:1,5; 18:4-6. Jesus is I AM, the Christ, the Son of God (Mk 14:61-62; Mt 26:63-64; Lk 22:70). But I AM is Jehovah (Ex 3:14-15; Dt 32:39; Isa 41:4; 43:10; 46:4; 52:6); God (Mt 22:31-32; Mk 12:26; Lk 20:37). Jesus never prayed to Jehovah, but to "Father" (Mt 11:25-26; 26:39, 42. Cf. Mk 14:36; Jn 11:41; 12:27-28; 14:16; 16:26; 17:1,5,11,21,24-25). And Jesus taught His followers to pray to "Father," not to "Jehovah" (Mt 6:9; Lk 11:2,13), which they did (Rom 8:15; Eph 1:16-17; 3:14; 5:20; Col 1:3). This is inexplicable for a devout Jew as Jesus was, unless Jesus is Jehovah.
Lord. The divine Name (Heb. YHWH, "Yahweh") was translated nearly7,000 times as Gk. kurios, "Lord," in the Septuagint (LXX), the Greek translation of the Old Testament, which was the Bible of the earliest Christians. Yet Jesus is called "Lord" (Mt 8:2,6,8,21,25; 9:28; 14:28,30; 15:25,27; 16:22; 17:4,15; 18:21; 20:30-31,33; 22:43,45; 26:22); "O Lord" (Mt 15:22; Lk 5:8); "the Lord" (Mt 3:3; 18:27; 20:8; 21:3; 21:40; 22:44; 23:39; 24:50; 25:19; 28:6); "your Lord" (Mt 24:42); "Lord Lord" (Mt 7:21-22; 25:11; Lk 6:46). Jesus is David's Lord (Mt 22:41-46 = Mk 12:35-37 = Lk 20:41-44; Ps 110:1). Lord of the sabbath Jesus is "Lord of the sabbath" (Mt 12:8; Mk 2:28; Lk 6:5). But it was Jehovah who instituted the sabbath commandment (Ex 20:8-11; 31:12-16; 35:1-3; Lev 23:1-3; Dt 5:6,12-14).
Master. Jesus is the "lord" or "master" [Gk. kurios] with whom His servants must finally settle accounts (Mt 24:45-51; 25:14-3. Cf. Mk 13:33-37; Lk 12:35-48; 19:11-27). Yet Jehovah is the Master of His servants look to (Ps 123:2; Mal 1:6).
King. Jesus is "the King of the Jews" (Mt 2:2; 27:11, 29, 37; Mk 15:2,9,12,18, 26; Lk 23:3,37-38; Jn 18:33,39; 19:3,19,21); the "King of Israel" (Mt 27:42; Mk 15:32; Jn 1:49; 12:13); King of Jerusalem (Mt 21:5; Jn 12:15 = Zec 9:9). Yet Jerusalem is the "city of the great King" (Mt 5:34-35), who is Jehovah (Ps 48:2). Jesus is now reigning at God's right hand (Mt 22:44; 26:64. Cf. Mk 12:36; 14:62; 16:19; Lk 20:42; 22:69; Acts 2:25, 33-34; 5:31; 7:55-56; Rom 8:34; Eph 1:20; Col 3:1; Heb 1:3,13; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1Pet 3:22 = Ps 110:1). Kingdom Jesus has the keys of the kingdom of heaven (Mt 16:19; 18:18. Cf. Rev 3:7 = Isa 22:22). Jesus' kingdom is God's kingdom (Mt 16:28; Mk 9:1; Lk 9:27). Jesus is the King of the kingdom of heaven (Mt 18:23; 22:2,7,11,13; 25:34,40). Jesus will implement the Father's decision who inherits God's kingdom (Mt 20:23; 25:33-34). But Jehovah is King forever (Ps 10:16); the great King above all (Ps 95:3); the King of glory (Ps 24:7- 10); who will be King of all the earth (Zec 14:9).
Shepherd. Jesus is the Shepherd of Israel (Mt 2:6 = Mic 5:2; 2Sam 5:2). He is "the Shepherd" (Mt 26:31; Mk 14:27 = Zec 13:7; Mt 9:36; 25:32. Cf. Mk 6:34; Jn 10:2,11,14, 10:16; Heb 13:20; 1Pet 2:25; 5:4; Rev 7:17. The church is Jesus' flock (Mt 26:31; Lk 12:32; Jn 10:12,16,26-27; 21:16-17; Ac 20:28-29; 1Pet 5:2-3). But Jehovah is the shepherd of His sheep (Ps 23:1; Eze 34:15); the Old Testament church was Jehovah's flock (Ps 74:1-2; 100:3; Isa 40:11; Jer 13:17; 23:2; 31:10; Eze 34:17; Mic 5:4) and Jehovah called His followers "my sheep" (Eze 34:6,8,10-11,12,15,19,31).
Bridegroom. Jesus is "the bridegroom" (Mt 9:15 = Mk 2:19-20 = Lk 5:34-35; Mt 25:1-13. Cf. Jn 3:29; Eph 5:23-32; Rev 21:2,9; 22:17). But Jehovah is His people's Bridegroom (Isa 62:4-5; Jer 2:31-32; 3:1; Hos 2:18-20).
Angels. Jesus is "the Son" distinct from "the angels" (Mt 24:36; Mk 13:32; Heb 1:4-5). Jesus will come with all the angels (Mt 16:27; 24:30-31; 25:31. Cf. Jude 14; Zec 14:5), which are "His angels" (Mt 13:41; 16:27; 24:31. Cf. Mk 8:38; 13:27). Yet the angels are God's (Lk 12:8,9; 15:10; Jn 1:51; Rev 3:5).
Name. To receive someone in Jesus' name is to receive Jesus (Mt 18:5; 24:5. Cf. Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48). Jesus' followers will be persecuted for His name's sake (Mt 10:22; 19:29; 24:9. Cf. Mk 13:13; Lk 21:12; 21:17; Jn 15:21; Ac 9:16; Rom 1:5; Rev 2:3. Gatherings together are to be in Jesus' name (Mt 18:20; 1Cor 5:4).
Mt 3:1-3; 11:7-10 = Isa 40:3; Mal 3:1. Jehovah who came was Jesus. John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way for the coming of Jehovah (Mt 3:1-3; 11:7-10 = Isa 40:3; Mal 3:1; Mk 1:2-4; Lk 3:2-6; 7:24-27; Jn 1:19-23), but it was Jesus who came (Mt 4:17; Mk 1:14-15; Lk 4:14-15; Jn 1:28-34).
Mt 27:9 = Zec 11:12-13. Jesus is Jehovah priced at thirty pieces of silver. Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy of Jehovah being bought for "thirty pieces of silver" (Mt 27:9; 26:15; 27:3; Zec 11:12-13; Jer 18:1-6; 19:1-11; 32:6-9).
Omniscience. Jesus knew the thoughts of the scribes and Pharisees (Mt 9:2-4; 12:22-25; Mk 2:3-8; Lk 5:18-22; 6:6-8); of their plotting to kill him (Mt 12:14-15). But it is Jehovah alone who searches every heart and understands every motive behind thoughts (1Ki 8:39; 1Chr 28:9); who searches, knows and understands man's thoughts and his every action (Ps 94:11; 139:1-2; Pr 24:12; 2Ki 19:27; Jer 12:3; 17:10).
Omnipresence. Jesus is God with His people (Mt 1:22-23; Isa 7:14). Wherever disciples are gathering together in His name, Jesus is in their midst (Mt 18:20). Jesus is with His disciples in all nations always (Mt 28:20). Yet it is Jehovah who is with His people always (Ex 3:12; Dt 31:6; Jos 1:5; Heb 13:5).
Holy. Jesus distinguished Himself from all other men who "are evil" (Mt 7:11; Lk 11:13). Jesus is "righteous" (Mt 27:19,24. Cf. Lk 23:47; Ac 3:14; 7:52; 22:14; Jas 5:6; 1Pet 3:18; 1Jn 2:1; 3:7). Only God is good (Mt 19:16-17; Mk 10:17-18; Lk 18:18-19), but Jesus is without sin (Jn 8:46; Acts 3:14; 2Cor 5:21; Heb 4:15; 7:26; 9:28; 1Pet 1:19; 2:21; 1Jn 3:5); therefore Jesus is God.
Glory. Jesus at His transfiguration showed His glory (Mt 17:1-6; Mk 9:2-8; Lk 9:28-36; Jn 1:14; 2Pet 1:17). Jesus will come again in His own glory (Mt 25:31; Lk 9:26; 21:27; Tit 2:13) and in His Father's glory (Mt 16:27; 24:30; Mk 8:38; 13:26). Jesus will sit on the throne of his glory (Mt 19:28; 25:31; Mk 10:37). But only Jehovah God has glory in that sense (Lk 2:9; Ac 7:2, 55; Rom 1:23; 3:23; Eph 1:17; Php 2:11; Rev 15:8).
Pre-existent. Jesus is the One "whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting" (Mt 2:1-6 =Mic 5:2). He had often wanted to gather Jerusalem's children together, as a hen gathers her chicks (Mt 23:37; Lk 13:34). But it is Jehovah who is spoken of as a mother bird protecting her offspring under her wings (Ps 17:1,8; 57:1; 61:1-4; 91:1-4; Isa 31:5).
Authority. Jesus taught with absolute authority (Mt 7:28-29; Mk 1:22; Lk 4:32). He did not say, "thus says Jehovah" but "I say" (Mt 5:22,28,32,34,39,44;11:22,24; 12:6; 17:12; 19:9; Mk 9:13; Lk 6:27)! Jesus closed the Old Testament era by declaring that John the Baptist was the last Old Testament prophet (Mt 11:13 = Lk 16:16).
Sovereignty. All things had been delivered to Jesus by His Father (Mt 11:27 = Lk 10:22). Jesus has been given "all authority in heaven and on earth" (Mt 28:18). Cf. Jn 3:35; 13:3; 17:2; Acts 10:36; 1Cor 15:27; Eph 1:20-22; Php 2:9-10; Dn 7:13-14. Yet Jehovah is above all (1Ch 29:11; Ps 95:3; 97:9; 113:4; 135:5).
Great. Jesus is greater than the temple, the prophet Jonah (and by implication all the prophets) and greater than King Solomon (and by implication all the Kings of Israel) (Mt 12:6,41-42).
Commandments. Jesus gave His own commandments by improving on the Law of Moses: "You have heard" in the Law, but "I say ..." (Mt 5:21-22,27-28,31-32,33-34,38-39,43-44; 12:5-6; 19:8-9). Jesus also made pronouncements on His own authority (Mt 11:21-24; 17:11-12. Cf. Mk 9:12-13; Lk 6:26-27; Jn 13:34-35; 14:15,21,23; 15:10,12,17; 1Cor 7:25; 14:37; 2Pet 3:2. Jesus' disciples of all nations are to be taught to observe all that He has commanded them (Mt 28:19-20).
Covenant. Jesus made a New Covenant (Mt 26:26-28 = Mk 14:22-24 = Lk 22:19-20 = 1Cor 11:23-25. Cf. 2Cor 3:6,14; Heb 7:22; 8:6-13; 9:15; 12:24; 13:20). But Jehovah was to make that New Covenant (Jer 31:31-33; Heb 8:8-12; 10:15-17).
Miracles. Nature miracles. Jesus commanded a storm on the Sea of Galilee to be still and and it immediatedly became calm (Mt 8:24-27; Mk 4:37-41; Lk 8:22-25). But it is Jehovah God alone who commands the sea and it obeys Him (Job 38:8-11; Ps 65:5-7; 89:8-9; 107:23-30). Jesus fed a crowd of over five thousand by multiplying five loaves of bread and two fish (Mt 14:14-21; Mk 6:34-44; Lk 9:11-17; Jn 6:5-13; and another crowd of four thousand by multiplying seven loaves of bread and a few small fish (Mt 15:32-38; Mk 8:1-9). But it was Jehovah who through Elisha multiplied twenty loaves of bread and ears of grain to feed a hundred (2Ki 4:42-44). Jesus walked on a stormy sea (Mt 14:25-27; Mk 6:48-51; Jn 6:18-21). But it is God who treads the waves of the sea (Job 9:8; Ps 77:19). Jesus ensured that the next fish Peter caught would have a shekel coin in its mouth (Mt 17:27). Jesus cursed a fig tree and it withered overnight (Mt 21:19-20; Mk 11:13-14, 20-21).
Healing miracles. Jesus did many and varied miracles of healing, including sickness (Mt 4:23-24; 9:35; 14:13-14, 34-36); disease (Mt 4:23-24; 9:35); pain (Mt 4:24); demon-possessed (Mt 4:24; 8:16, 28-32; 9:32-33; 12:22; 15:21-28); seizures (Mt 4:24; 17:14-18); paralysis (Mt 4:24; 8:7-13; 9:1-7); leprosy (Mt 8:2-3; 11:4-6); fever (Mt 8:14-15); bleeding (Mt 9:20-22); blindness (Mt 9:27-30; 11:4-5; 15:29-31; 20:29-34; 21:14); lameness (Mt 11:4-6; 15:29-31; 21:14); deafness (Mt 11:4-6); dumbmess (Mt 15:29-31); shriveled hand (Mt 12:9-13); crippled legs (Mt 15:29-31) and death (Mt 9:18-19,23-25; 11:4-6). Jesus healed at a distance (Mt 8:7-13; 15:21-28). Some were healed by touching Jesus' clothes (Mt 9:20-22; 14:34-36). He healed large crowds (Mt 12:15; 14:14; 15:30; 19:2).Yet it is Jehovah who heals (Ex 15:26; Num 12:13; 2Ki 2:21; 2Ki 20:5,8; 2Ch 30:20; Ps 6:2; 30:2; 41:4; Isa 19:22; 30:26; 57:19; 58:8; Jer 17:14; 30:17; Hos 6:1).
Forgiveness of sins. Jesus forgave sins (Mt 9:2 = Mk 2:5 = Lk 5:20. Cf. Lk 7:47-49). Jesus claimed that He had the authority to forgive sins (Mt 9:6 = Mk 2:10 = Lk 5:26). But only God could forgive sins (Mt 9:2-3; Mk 2:5-7; Lk 5:18-21; 7:47-50; Ps 103:12; Isa 1:18; 43:25; 55:7; Jer 31:34; Mic 7:19).
Church. Jesus will build His own "church" [Gk. ekklesia (Mt 16:18. Cf. Act 20:28; 1Cor 1:2; Eph 1:20-22; 2:19-20; 3:21; 5:23-32; Col 1:24; 1Th 1:1; 2:14; 2Th 1:1). But the same Gk. word ekklesia was used in the Greek Old Testament (Septuagint or LXX) of the assembly of Jehovah's people (Dt 4:10; 23:2, etc). Cf. Ac 7:38; Heb 2:12, etc). Jesus is the cornerstone of God's new spiritual building (Mt 21:42; Mk 12:10; Lk 20:17; Ac 4:11; Eph 2:20; 1Pet 2:6-7; Ps 118:22). The elect are Jesus' (Mt 24:31 = Mk 13:27).
Prophets. Jesus sends prophets, wise men and scribes (Mt 23:34; Lk 11:49). But it is Jehovah who sent the prophets (2Ch 24:19; Jer 25:4; 29:19).
Judgment. Judge Jesus is the Lord to whom we all will have to give account of our works on the Day of Judgment (Mt 7:21-23; 25:11. Cf. Ac 10:42; 17:31; 2Cor 5:10; 2Tim 4:1). All the nations will be gathered before Jesus' throne of judgment (Mt 25:32). But it is Jehovah, before whom all the nations will be gathered together for judgment (Joel 3:1-2). And only Jehovah is the judge of all the earth (Gn 18:25; 1Chr 16:33; Ps 96:13; 98:9) and of the wicked (Mal 3:5).Separation Jesus will separate the wheat from the chaff (Mt 3:11-12; Lk 3:16-17) and the sheep from the goats (Mt 25:31-32). But it was Jehovah who judged His flock between sheep and goats (Eze 34:17). Rewards One's attitude to those bearing the name of Jesus will determine one's eternal reward or punishment (Mt 10:42 = Mk 9:41; Mt 25:37-46). Eternal life Those who have left everything for Jesus' sake shall inherit eternal life (Mt19:29; Mk 10:29-30; Lk 18:29-30).Condemnation Jesus will decide who is to be eternally condemned (Mt 7:22-23). Punishment Jesus will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire (Mt 3:12; Lk 3:17). Degrees of punishment depends on rejection of Jesus' words (Mt 10:14-15).
Worship. Jesus was worshipped (Gk. proskuneo). by" the magi at His birth (Mt 2:2,11); those seeking healing (Mt 8:2; 9:18; 15:22,25) or divine favours (Mt 20:20); the disciples as "the Son of God" (Mt 14:24-33) and as the resurrected Lord (Mt 28:9,17). But only Jehovah was to be worshipped (Gk. proskuneo) (Mt 4:9-10; Lk 4:6-8; Dt 6:13).
Know. A personal relationship with Jesus is necessary to escape eternal condemnation (Mt 7:22-23).
Acknowledged. Jesus said He was to be acknowledged (Mt 10:32-33; Lk 12:8-9), echoing the same words that Jehovah had said He was to be acknowledged (1Sam 2:30).
Disciples. One cannot be Jesus' disciple unless one's love for Him is greater than that of of his family and even his own life (Mt 10:37; Lk 14:26). But we are commanded to love Jehovah with all heart, soul and strength (Mt 22:37; Mk 12:30; Lk 10:27; Dt 6:5; 10:12; 11:13; 13:3; 30:6; Jos 22:5. A disciple of Jesus must bear his own cross of suffering and shame and come after Jesus (Mt 10:38; Lk 9:23; 14:27).
Obeyed. Jesus words are to be put into practice (Mt 7:24-27; Lk 6:46-49) But it is Jehovah who must be obeyed (Dt 13:4; 27:10; 30:2,8,10,20; 1Sam 15:22; Jer 3:13,25; 9:13; 26:13; 40:3; 42:6,21; Dn 9:10,14; Zec 6:15).
Followed. Jesus demanded His disciples follow Him exclusively and unreservedly (Mt 8:22; 9:9; 16:24; 19:21. Cf. Mk 2:14; 8:34; 10:21; Lk 5:27; 9:23; 9:59-60; 18:22; Jn 1:43; 10:27; 12:26; 21:19). But it is Jehovah who must be exclusively followed (Num 14:43; 32:12; Dt 1:36; 7:4; Jos14:8,9,14; 22:16,18,23,29; 1Sam 12:14,20;15:11; 1Ki 18:21; 2Ki 17:21; 18:6; 2Chr 25:27; 34:33; Isa 59:13; Hos 6:3).
Served. We are to take Jesus' yoke of slavery upon us (Mt 11:28-30) and He will paradoxically give us rest. But it was Jehovah who gives His people rest (Ex 33:14; Dt 12:9-10; 25:19; Jos 1:13; 11:23; 21:44; 22:4; 23:1; 1Ki 8:56; Isa 63:14; Jer 6:16; 31:2; Heb 4:1-11).
Jesus occasionally spoke as though Jehovah was a different Person. However, some of these were Jesus quoted an Old Testament passage which mentioned Jehovah (Mt 4:7; Lk 4:12 = Dt 6:16; Mt 4:10; Lk 4:8 = Dt 6:13; Mt 5:33 = Lev 19:12; Num 30:2; Dt 23:21; Mt 21:42 = Ps 118:22-23; Mt 22:31-32; Mk 12:26; Lk 20:37 = Ex 3:4-6 and Mt 22:37; Mk 12:30; Lk 10:27 = Dt 6:4-5).
Lack of knowledge. Jesus did not know the day and hour of His second coming (Mt 24:36; Mk 13:32). But this may have been only a temporary self-limitation of Jesus' omniscience as part of His self-emptying in taking upon Himself a human nature (Php 2:6-8; Heb 2:8-9). After His resurrection, Jesus no longer says that He does not know the time or date of the coming of His Kingdom (Ac 1:7). Alternatively, since Mt 24:36; Mk 13:32 seems to exclude the Holy Spirit from knowing the time of Jesus' return, it may reflect a limitation (or self-limitation) of omniscience within the Trinity of the Son and Holy Spirit regarding the Father's plans, until He reveals them.
The Father is Jesus' God. Jesus called the Father "my God" (Mt 27:46; Mk 15:34; Jn 20:17; Rev 3:2,12; the Father is "His God" (Rev 1:6); "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom 15:6; 2Cor 1:3; Eph 1:1-3; 1Pet 1:3); "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Eph 1:17); "God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Col 1:3). In His human nature (Lk 24:15-31; 33-43; Jn 20:24-28; Jn 21:4-15), the Father is Jesus' God. And even if the Son is in a permanent state of subordination to the Father (Jn 14:28; 1Cor 11:3), that does not preclude the Son being one in nature and substance with the Father (Jn 1:1; 10:30; Php 2:6 NIV).
In Matthew, Jesus has the same names and titles as Jehovah; Old Testament passages about Jehovah are applied to Jesus; Jesus has attributes of Jehovah; Jesus does the works of Jehovah; Jesus receives honor and worship due to Jehovah; and there are no valid objections to Jesus being Jehovah. Therefore Jesus is Jehovah!
See `tagline' quotes below relating to the above (original emphasis italics, my emphasis bold).
PS. The next (second) posted in this series is "Jesus is Jehovah in Galatians."
Stephen E. Jones.
My other blogs: CreationEvolutionDesign & The Shroud of Turin
"[Mt 1:21] The language reminds us of similar revelations in the Old Testament (Gn. 16:11; 17:19; etc.), as well as of Isaiah 7:14, soon to be quoted. Names, especially divinely revealed names, are full of meaning, and this is often revealed by a word-play which need not always correspond to the actual etymology of the name. In the case of Jesus (the Greek form of Joshua or Jeshua, a common name .. both the sound (cf. Heb. yosi'a, 'he will save') and the probable etymology ('Yahweh is salvation', or 'O save, Yahweh') contribute to the explanation for he will save his people from their sins. His people will be in the first instance the Jews (Matthew uses this term laos particularly for the chosen race), but the man who wrote 28:19 must have expected a wider application ultimately. Salvation from sins is an element in the Old Testament hope (e.g. Is. 53; Je. 31:31-34; Ezk. 36:24-31) and in later Messianic expectation (Psalms of Solomon 17:28-29, 41; etc.), but not the dominant one. Its isolation here warns the reader not to expect this Messiah to conform to the more popular hope of a national liberator, and sets the scene for the unfolding understanding of Jesus' mission in the Gospel." (France, R.T., 1985, "Matthew: An Introduction and Commentary," The Tyndale New Testament commentaries, Inter-Varsity Press: Leicester UK, p.78).
"Christ as the Son of God. The most recent Jehovah-Witness publication in which their view of the person of Christ is set forth and defended is a 64-page booklet published in 1962, entitled `The Word' - Who Is He? According to John. ... The authors claim that the title Son of God .. implied that Christ was ... a person inferior to God the Father ... In proof of this contention the authors adduce Christ's discussion with the Jews who had taken up stones to stone him, recorded in John 10. Though Jesus here said, `I and the Father are one,' the authors contend, he did not claim to be equal to the Father, but rather claimed to be less than God ... Jesus, it is said, here only claimed to be the Son of God; hence the Jews were quite in error when they thought Christ was uttering blasphemy. By way of refutation, it should first be pointed out that, according to John 5:18, the Jews sought to kill Jesus `because not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was also calling God his own Father, making himself equal to God ' (NWT). The Jews, therefore, did not understand the expression Son of God as Jehovah's Witnesses apparently do. For the latter, the term means someone inferior to the Father. By the Jews of Jesus' day, however, the term was interpreted as meaning full equality with the Father, and it was on account of this claim that they sought to kill him. This point becomes quite clear when we compare John 10:33 with 10:36. The former verse reads, `We [the Jews] are stoning you [Jesus], not for a fine work, but for blasphemy, even because you, although being a man, make yourself a god" (NWT) [KJ, ASV, and RSV: `make yourself God.']. The latter passage reads, `Do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and dispatched into the world, "You blaspheme," because I said, I am God's Son?' (NWT). Putting together these two verses (if we translate verse 33 as in the standard versions), we see that Christ's calling himself the Son of God was interpreted by the Jews as a claim to equality with the Father. When Jesus was tried by Caiaphas, furthermore, He was asked, `By the living God I put you under oath to tell us whether you are the Christ the Son of God!' (Mt. 26:63, NWT). After Jesus had answered this question in the affirmative, the high priest is reported to have said, `He has blasphemed! What further need do we have of witnesses?' (v. 65, NWT). Obviously, the high priest understood the expression Son of God as meaning full equality with the Father since he called Jesus' assumption of this title blasphemy. If Jesus meant by the term Son of God something less than equality with the Father, He would by His affirmative answer be guilty of uttering an untruth, since for the Sanhedrin this title meant such equality. Surely if Jesus did not intend His words to be understood as meaning what the high priest and the rest of the Sanhedrin thought they meant, He could have and should have corrected their understanding of these words. When, after the trial before Caiaphas, Jesus appeared before Pilate, the Jews said to the governor, `We have a law, and according to the law he [Jesus] ought to die, because he made himself God's son' (Jn. 19:7, NWT). Again it is crystal-clear that the Jews understood the expression Son of God, which Jesus acknowledged as descriptive of himself, as meaning nothing less than full equality with the Father. Is it likely, now, that present-day Jehovah's Witnesses know better what Jesus claimed to be, when He called Himself the Son of God, than the Jews who were His contemporaries?" (Hoekema, A.A., 1972, "Jehovah's Witnesses," [1963], Eerdmans: Grand Rapids MI, Reprinted, 1990, pp.132-135).
"Gabriel then said, `Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end' (Lk 1:30-33). The angel's pronouncement that the child would be called Jesus is full of meaning. The name `Jesus' means `Yahweh saves' or `Yahweh is salvation.' This name is the counterpart of the Old Testament name, `Joshua.' Just as Joshua in the Old Testament led Israel out of the wilderness experience into a new land and a new life, so Jesus would lead people out of a spiritual wilderness experience into a new sphere of existence and a new life." (Rhodes, R., 1992, "Christ Before the Manger: The Life and Times of the Preincarnate Christ," Baker: Grand Rapids MI, pp.178-179).
"Jesus Christ ... The Hebrew form of the name Jesus means `Jehovah Is Salvation'; Christ is the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma-shi'ach (Messiah), meaning `Anointed One.'" (WB&TS, 1989, "Reasoning from the Scriptures," [1985], Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: Brooklyn NY, Second edition, p.209).
I have one question regarding verse Mt 21:9,15 in NWT. In my opinion the children were praysing there Jesus. But NWT renders that children were praysing the God (not him). What is the correct translation?
>I have one question regarding verse Mt 21:9,15 in NWT. In my opinion the children were praysing there Jesus. But NWT renders that children were praysing the God (not him). What is the correct translation?
Presumably you mean Mt 19:13-15 NWT:
"Then young children were brought to him, for him to put his hands upon them and offer prayer; but the disciples reprimanded them. Jesus, however, said: `Let the young children alone, and stop hindering them from coming to me, for the kingdom of the heavens belongs to suchlike ones.' And he put his hands upon them and went from there."
The NWT is correct that Jesus was asked to offer prayer to God for the children, not that the children were asked to pray to (or for) Jesus.
The NIV (for example) confirms this: Mt 19:13-15 (NIV):
"Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Jesus said, `Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there."
It was only after His resurrection and ascension to the Father's right hand, that Christians offered prayer to Jesus (NIV, my emphasis):
Jn 13:12-14 "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ASK ME FOR ANYTHING IN MY NAME, and I will do it."
Acts 7:59-60 "While they were stoning him, Stephen PRAYED, `LORD JESUS, RECEIVE MY SPIRIT.' Then he FELL ON HIS KNEES and CRIED OUT, `LORD, DO NOT HOLD THIS SIN AGAINST THEM.' When he had said this, he fell asleep.
Acts 22:12,14-16 "A man named Ananias came to see me. ... Then he said: `The God of our fathers has chosen you to know his will and to SEE THE RIGHTEOUS ONE AND TO HEAR WORDS FROM HIS MOUTH. You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, CALLING ON HIS NAME.'"
2Cor 12:8-9 "Three times I PLEADED WITH THE LORD to take it away from me. But HE SAID TO ME, `My grace is sufficient for you, for MY POWER is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that CHRIST'S POWER may rest on me.
Rev 22:20 "He who testifies to these things says, `Yes, I am coming soon.' Amen. COME, LORD JESUS.
Thanks for your answer but it was not my question. What does it mean the word HOSANNA in Mt 21:9,15? Is it pray to Jesus (Hosanna to the Son of David) or pray to the God in order to save the Jesus, as renders NWT: Save, we pray, the Son of David?
>What does it mean the word HOSANNA in Mt 21:9,15? Is it pray to Jesus (Hosanna to the Son of David) or pray to the God in order to save the Jesus, as renders NWT: Save, we pray, the Son of David?
Neither. "Hosanna" is "an exclamation of praise" not "a prayer":
"[Mt 21:9]. ... Hosanna is a Greek form of the Hebrew words translated 'Save us' in Psalm 118:25, a phrase which had already come to be used, more as an exclamation of praise than a prayer, in Jewish worship.' From the next verse of Psalm 118 come also the next words, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! This is the last of the Hallel Psalms (113 - 118), which were chanted antiphonally at all the great festivals of Israel, these two verses forming a climax in the performance. As an expression of religious enthusiasm these exclamations would come naturally to a crowd of Passover pilgrims." (France, R.T., "Matthew," Inter-Varsity Press, 1985, p.298).
See also "Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words":
"Hosanna ... in the Hebrew, means `save, we pray.' The word seems to have become an utterance of praise rather than of prayer, though originally, probably, a cry for help."
Thanks for your answer. But what a translation is correct:
1. "Hosanna to the Son of David", which is acclamation towards Jesus
2. "Save, we pray, the son of David", which is to understand as acclamation towards God the Father?
>But what a translation is correct:
>1. "Hosanna to the Son of David", which is acclamation towards Jesus
>2. "Save, we pray, the son of David", which is to understand as acclamation towards God the Father?
My Interlinear Bible of Mt 21:9 & 15 has:
"And the crowd, the ones going before and the ones following, were crying out, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed [is] He coming in [the] name of [the] Lord! Hosanna in the highest ... and the children crying out in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David ..."
The NWT of Mt 21:9 is "As for the crowds, those going ahead of him and those following kept crying out: `Save, we pray, the Son of David! Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s name! Save him, we pray, in the heights above!'"
The NWT has mistranslated "hosanna" as a prayer to God to save Jesus. Remember: 1) the two qualified Greek scholars I quoted above (R.T. France and W.E. Vine) said that "hosanna" is not a prayer, but an exclamation of praise; and 2) the NWT had no qualified Greek scholars on its translation committee.
So again the NWT got it wrong. That is, of your two options, "1. `Hosanna to the Son of David', which is acclamation towards Jesus" is correct
This is my last word on this topic and you have already had yours. See my policies on this blog's sidebar: "Any response by me will usually be only once to each individual under that post."
thanks for your answer. It seems to me, that the phrase
"Hosanna to the Son of David"
could be translated:
"Save us, we pray to the Son of David"
"Save us, the Son of David"
In my opiniont NWT mistranslated this verse, because they don't accept the fact, that Jesus can be praised.
The similar form:
Hosanna to the God of David
as an acclamation to the God.
apperars in Didache 10:6
You now have had your last word.
>In my opiniont NWT mistranslated this verse, because they don't accept the fact, that Jesus can be praised.
You finally got to the point!
What you say is probably true, but it would be hard to prove it. However, I will bear it in mind. Thanks.
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